Collar Styles: A Great Way to Stand Out With A Designer Shirt

Double Collars: This type of collar has been in fashion in Europe for some time and is now starting to find its way across the ocean and into the wardrobes of fashionable American men. There are many variations, but typically a double collar consists of a collar on top of another collar that allows the designer to showcase two types of fabric, usually of contrasting patterns and/or colors, in one shirt. A prime example of this type comes from the Parisian designer Franck Michel. Franck Michel provides many shirts of this type, and one of my favorites the Limited Edition Paris Blue Gingham is currently available for just under $150 from online retailer This particular example pairs a solid navy blue collar under a light blue gingham collar, which really draws the eye, but does so in an elegant, fashionable way.
Reverse Collars: This is a truly unique collar design that was invented by Franck Michel in Paris, France. It is an elegant style that allows for flashy fabrics and interesting complimenting color combinations. A prime example of the design innovations that typify Franck Michel this look has now been copied by other fashion designers the world over. Franck Michel offers many styles with this type of collar, my personal favorite being the Miami range, specifically the Miami Red, which is available from for $159, and is a shirt that truly typifies this type of luxury shirt look. Reverse collars are not for the faint of heart, but rather those who are confident standing out. One look at a Miami from Franck Michel and I’m sure you’ll agree with me.
Button Down or American Collars:
This is a prime example of the merging of American and European influences in the designs of Franck Michel. The button down collar was pioneered on American sport shirts, and was popularized as a more formal design in the 1960’s by American style icons like John F. Kennedy. Franck Michel has taken this traditional American look and added a distinctly European twist. By making the collar taller and more crisp and defined, they have added an air of formal style that is unlike the original American look. This transcontinental blending of styles is the essence of the modern look of Franck Michel. By taking luxury details from different cultures and blending them into a new look, they achieve an international style that sets them apart from the competition. A great example of this Franco-American blending from Franck Michel is the Eiffel range. Available in black, blue and white, these designer dress shirts are $129 from and are an exceptional addition to any modern men’s wardrobe.
very nice model
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